3️⃣Round 3 to 7

Solerium Warfare: SOLE Supply Distribution (Rounds 3 to 7)


In Solerium Warfare, a significant portion of the SOLE token supply is dedicated to incentivizing users who build and develop farms on their territories. The distribution will span nearly two years, covering Rounds 3 to 7. This initiative aims to reward active participants and promote economic growth within the game.

Total Distribution

  • Total SOLE Distributed: Approximately 500,000 SOLE

  • Percentage of Total Supply: 50%

  • Distribution Duration: Nearly 2 years

Distribution Details

Rounds 3 to 7

The distribution of SOLE tokens will be divided into five rounds, with each round lasting a specific duration and distributing a set amount of SOLE tokens. Here's a breakdown of the distribution:

  1. Round 3

    • Duration: 4 months

    • SOLE Distributed: 100,000 SOLE

    • Details: Users who construct and maintain farms on their territories during this round will receive SOLE tokens based on their activity and farm productivity.

  2. Round 4

    • Duration: 4 months

    • SOLE Distributed: 100,000 SOLE

    • Details: Similar to Round 3, users will be rewarded for their farming activities, with distribution based on the amount of SOLE generated from their harvests.

  3. Round 5

    • Duration: 4 months

    • SOLE Distributed: 100,000 SOLE

    • Details: Continued support for users building and expanding their farms, with rewards proportional to their contribution and farm yield.

  4. Round 6

    • Duration: 4 months

    • SOLE Distributed: 100,000 SOLE

    • Details: Focus on sustained farming activities, encouraging users to maintain and enhance their farms for ongoing SOLE rewards.

  5. Round 7

    • Duration: 4 months

    • SOLE Distributed: 100,000 SOLE

    • Details: Final round of distribution, aimed at maximizing engagement and rewarding users who have consistently participated in farming activities throughout the distribution period.

Eligibility and Participation

  • Farm Construction: Users must build farms on their territories to participate in the SOLE distribution rounds.

  • Active Management: Ongoing farm maintenance and productivity will determine the amount of SOLE rewarded to each user.

  • Blockchain Verification: All activities and rewards will be tracked and verified on the Solana blockchain to ensure transparency and fairness.

Claiming Rewards

  • Weekly Payouts: SOLE tokens will be distributed weekly based on users' farming activities and contributions during each round.

  • Withdrawals: Users can withdraw their earned SOLE tokens at any time using the Withdraw button in the game menu.


The SOLE supply distribution from Rounds 3 to 7 in Solerium Warfare is designed to incentivize active participation and foster a thriving in-game economy. With a substantial portion of the total supply allocated for this purpose, users have a unique opportunity to earn significant rewards while engaging in strategic gameplay and economic development.

Stay tuned for more updates and detailed instructions on how to maximize your SOLE earnings through farm construction and management in Solerium Warfare.

Last updated